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  • 03 Leopoldstollen | glueckauf

    03 The Emperor Leopold – tunnel Stud Name: "Emperor Leopold - Stollen" Emperor Leopold II (son of Maria Theresa), reigned 1790 - 1792 Struck: May 1, 1794 - together with "Unteren Kaiser Franz - Stollen" Length: 1,800m Altitude: 643 m ​ The Emperor Leopold Stollen was built together with the Lower Emperor Franz Stollen on Struck May 1, 1794. Around 1800, the Kaiser Leopold tunnel had only been extended to 100 bars (119.5 m). In 1815, the Ischl mountain jury member Michael Kefer submitted a plan to the Salt Office to make the Kaiser Leopold tunnel dispensable by installing elevator machines and to stop driving it. In return, Kefer wanted the Lower Emperor Franz Stollen to continue to operate vigorously. This would have created the first blind horizon in the Kammergut. The Court Chamber, however, did not respond to the suggestion because it saw no advantage. The operation would become very difficult and the cleaning up would become more cumbersome and expensive. The Kaiser Leopold tunnel was to be driven further in the opposite building, but with lower ascents in order not to lose any of the usable mountain thickness. Until 1850 neither the Emperor Leopold reached Stollen nor the Lower Kaiser Franz tunnel also only the salt limit. The work in the dense and hard limestone of the Leopold tunnel caused great difficulties for the workers, the field site only advanced by 1 ½ bar (1.8m) in four weeks, the yearly advance was therefore limited to an average of 18 bar (21.5m) for a long time. In 1827, the court chamber complained about the little progress, in ten years only 171 rods (204.3m) had been advanced. It would therefore take a good 30 years to reach the salt dome, which is still 541 Stabel (646.5m) away. In order to speed up the advance, both the counter and the forward construction with two passes should now be initiated from the Pohl - Schurf. A water inrush in 1832 delayed the advance of the main town and prompted the mining administration to temporarily stop the counter building. In 1834, however, all places were in operation again. It was hoped that with the increased workforce, the Leopold tunnel could be completed in eight years up to the Wokurka dig and in another 15 years to the Pohl dig. A water drum set up at the Dicklberger - Schurf was used to ventilate the tunnel. In 1842, according to the program, the breakthrough from Dicklberger to Wokurka dig took place. Five years later, in the 840th fathom (1,592.6m) of the main tunnel, the huts came across the sulfur springs from the Maria Theresia tunnel. The Kaiser Leopold tunnel was driven to a height of 2.2 m and a width of 1.15 m; This resulted in a cross-sectional area of around 2.5 m². Its gradient was around 2.2%. The Kaiser Leopold tunnel led 1800 m through a deaf medium until it reached the Hasel Mountains. The tunnel was initially driven in a purely N-S direction, and then later turned towards the NNW-SSE towards the salt boundary. In 1850 the Mining Directorate approved the driving of the Lobkowitz bend in the dead end of the Kaiser Leopold tunnel. From the Lobkowitz-Kehr, the alignment of the salt storage should be carried out by transverse parallels in a southerly direction towards the hanging wall. In the years 1874 – 1875, the Dunajewski exploratory shaft was sunk from the Rosenfeld bend in the Leopold tunnel to a depth of 94 m and another borehole was drilled from the base of the shaft, which got stuck at a depth of 160 m in the Hasel Mountains. This proved the extension of the Perneck salt storage towards the depths. In 1895, the Kaiser Franz Josef heritage tunnel was dug near Sulzbach, not far from Lauffen, in order to capture the deeper parts of the salt mine. In addition, the Freiherr von Distler shaft was sunk 180 m deep from the Kaiser Leopold tunnel as the deepest horizon of Perneck. In the years 1957 to 1960 the central shaft from the Maria Theresia - tunnel to the Franz Josef - Erbstollen with a height of 203.8m was sunk by our own staff. In 1964, the central shaft in the limestone replaced the Freiherr von Distler shaft built between the Leopold tunnel and the level of the Franz Josef Erbstollen. The Distler shaft, which was excavated in the Hasel Mountains, required an excessive amount of maintenance work. In 1923, the salt mines on the Radgrabenbach not far from the Maria Theresia tunnel converted a dam for a small power station. The dam was originally used for a water wheel to drive the blacksmith's hammer in the Maria Theresia tunnel. A pressure pipeline DN 120 mm was laid from this dam to the mouth of the Kaiser Leopold tunnel. This had a length of 250 m with a gradient of 45 m. The hydromotor device consisted of a Pelton turbine with two inlet nozzles and a water consumption of 13 to 15 l/s. The turbine was made by the Josef Oser company, Krems, and had an output of 6.5 hp. The driven DC generator supplied a voltage of 220 V with an output of around 4 kW. According to the Wasserbuch, the system was used to illuminate the saline buildings and the salt mines. This small power plant was closed after the Second World War and the Salzberg was supplied with electrical energy via the Kaiser Franz Josef - Erbstollen from Lauffen's own power plant. In 1954 there were several major factory failures in the Kaiser Leopold tunnel. Brine had drained into the Sulzbach and destroyed the fish population. From the 1920s, the Leopold tunnel was used as an exit route for visitors. As a result, the attractive slide of the Pohl - Schurfes, which leads from the Maria Theresia - into the Leopold - tunnel, could be installed in the guideway. From about 1953, after the tunnel was demolished and the Ruhrthal mine locomotive G22 Z was put into service, crew hoists were again driven out of the Maria Theresia tunnel. ​ From 1957 all the leaching works of the Pernecker tunnels, which lay above the horizon of the Leopold tunnel, were used up and the brine produced in the lower horizons has since been released via the central or Distler shaft and the Franz Josef Erbstollen. As a result, in 1957 the brine pipelines in the Leopold tunnel and subsequently also the entire Pernecker Strehn including the brine rooms could be closed. In September 1978, February 1980 and March 1981, about 130,000 m³ fell from the Zwerchwand - SW - side of the 120 m high rock face, whereby the boulders of Tressensteinkalk, up to the size of a house, flowed down the valley on the Haselgebirge and marl. These landslides can be linked to leachate collapses in the Ischler Salzberg, especially in the horizon of the Leopold tunnel. Leopold Stollen – weirs around 1966: 21 weirs (18 weirs in operation around 1966, 2 weirs under construction) Mayerhofer (XIX) - weir (under construction), Vogl (XX) - weir (under construction around 1966), Schauberger (XVIII) - weir (under construction), Ressel - weir, Rotter - weir, Münzer (XIV) - weir, Mayerhoffer (XIII) - Weir, Krenn - weir, Griessenböck - weir, Backhaus - weir, Balzberg - weir, Janiss - weir, Pickl - weir, Sorgo - weir, Posanner - weir, Kirnbauer - weir, Haupolter - weir, Schraml - weir, Bretschneider - weir, Krempl - and Birnbacher - weir (cut). ​ In 1983 the desolate tunnel building was demolished, a concrete retaining wall was erected to protect the slope and the pink limestone ashlar portal was restored. Additional parking areas were created on the tunnel forecourt for visitors to use. ​ At present there is a firing channel in the Kaiser Leopold tunnel that is used privately by the Rieger "Ischler Waffen" company. For this purpose, the tunnel was closed after 100 m and the entrance area was blocked off with a massive steel door. Not far from the Leopold tunnel in the area of the parking lot and the garages you can still find iron slag, which probably comes from a smelting works operated in the 16th century, in which the ores extracted from the Rainfalz were smelted. In order to save time-consuming and long tunnel driving from above ground, 2 underground mines were created below the Leopold tunnel. These underground works can only be reached via the two pits (Distler and Central pit) and via several pits (sloping pits with stairs) from the Leopold and Erbstollen level. Originally it was planned to create a total of 6 civil engineering sections, each 30 m thick, in the 180 m high mountain center between the Erbstollen and Leopold levels. ​ I. Civil engineering: After completion of the Dister shaft in 1895, the preparatory work for the exposure of the first blind horizon at the Ischler Salzberg could begin. Starting in 1904, starting from the Distler shaft 30 m below the Leopold level, the drivage for the first civil engineering began. The first civil engineering served to derive the brine from the workers laid out in the Leopold horizon. In addition, a total of 13 plants were built in the first civil engineering. In December 1944, Plant XII, the so-called Ebensee plant, was released for the storage of works of art in the first civil engineering works. The plant had a storage area of 1100 m² and a capacity of 2700 m³. A trench leading from the first to the second civil engineering was buried in 1945 so that nobody could reach the storage uninvited. In the 1950s, a place of honor was created for the fallen salt miners in the Pernecker Salzberg. In the first civil engineering works, a leaching plant was baptized as a “heroic work” to commemorate the fallen. A plaque with the names of the im 2nd World War remaining work comrades attached. However, since the route had to be closed in the 1980s, the plaque was moved to the mountain chapel on the Salzberg. I. Civil Engineering - Weirs around 1983: 13 weirs Lepez - weir, Köck - weir, Grundmüller - weir, Krieger - weir, Rettenbacher - weir, Heldenwerk, Gmunder - weir, Lauffen - weir, Ebensee - weir, plant 6, Hampl - weir, plant 8, Mock - weir, Mitterauer - weir. II. Civil engineering: Starting in 1934, starting from the Distler shaft 37 m below the 1st underground construction and 67 m below the Leopold level, the roadway drivage for the 2nd underground construction began. In the area of the Distler shaft, a spacious, two-track filling point, the so-called "Bahnhof", was driven up. The Häuerberge was excavated via the Distler shaft and the Franz Josef Erbstollen to an above-ground heap. If you climbed out of the conveyor shell of the Distler shaft in the II. civil engineering, you first arrived at the "filling point", a room that measured about 8 by 4 m and was used for loading and unloading the elevator. From there, the "Bahnhof" branched off diagonally to the right, equipped with 2 tracks for moving the mine railway, which was also built for this mining horizon and was therefore wider than the other tunnels in the mountain. II. Civil Engineering - Weirs around 1983: 6 depth workers (putten) and 3 borehole probes Pütte 2, Pütte 3, Pütte 4, Pütte 6, Vogl - Pütte, Pütte 9, boreholes 1/II, 2/II and 3/II In 1989, extensive construction and device work was carried out in II. Civil Engineering for underground brine extraction. Boreholes 4/II – 6/II were drilled. At the time brine production was stopped in 2010, Pütte 4/II was being used as a spillway for Häuerberge and Pütte 6/II was being used to extract bath mud. Sources used: Carl Schraml "The Upper Austrian Salt Works from 1750 to the time after the French Wars", Vienna 1934 Carl Schraml "The Upper Austrian Salt Works from 1818 to the end of the Salt Office in 1850", Vienna 1936 Ischl home club "Bad Ischl home book 2004", Bad Ischl 2004 Leopold Schiendorfer "Perneck - A Village Through the Ages", Linz 2006 Walter Medwenitsch "The geology of the salt deposits Bad Ischl and Altaussee", communications from the Geological Society, 50th vol. 1957, Vienna 1957 ​ Dark moments: salvage of art objects 1944/45 Dark moments: salvage of art objects 1944/45

  • Links | glueckauf

    interesting ​ salt worlds Salinen Austria AG Salina history of Upper Austria Bad Ischl Salzkammergut Via Salis Bad Aussee Hoisnrad Alm Hutteneckalm _ Ischl home club ​

  • 08 Amaliastollen | glueckauf

    08 The Empress Amalia – Stollen Stud Name: "Empress Amalia - Stollen" Wife of Emperor Joseph I, married on February 24, 1699 in Vienna Struck: 1687 Length: 572 m Altitude: 851 m The Empress Amalia tunnel was opened in 1687 in order to drive under the next upper Frauenholz tunnel and to be able to use the salt storage facility below. The year the main shaft was expanded cannot be found, but this must not have happened long after the 18th century, because in 1725 several pumping works in these tunnels were already in use. In 1734, a collapse and water ingress occurred in the rear part of the Amalia tunnel - main shaft, which is why a conversion had to be made. The main shaft was then cleared out again and the water that had collapsed was drained back to the surface without causing any damage. The great squeezing pressure of the poor Haselgebirge made it necessary to reinforce the carpentry of the routes. In order to limit the consumption of firewood, Oberamtrat Kner ordered it to be soaked in brine in 1796, as in Hallstatt in Ischl, for which purpose the brine room next to the mouth of the Amalia tunnel was used. This could hold 1000 stamping sticks, which were soaked in the brine for three months. ​ Situation of the weirs in the Empress Amalia tunnel around 1800: Length from the mouth hole to the salt boundary 496 Stabel (591.2m), from there to the field site 404 Stabel 4 hairpin bends with a total of 8 weirs, 4 of which are useless and 4 usable. The hairpin bends originally laid out in these tunnels were mostly broken and abandoned quickly because of the enormous mountain pressure. In order to ensure access to the main shaft, complex conversion sections had to be created. In 1839 the workers Preßel, Schwaiger, Rappan and Baron Sternbach suffered massive injuries in the Amalia tunnel. The mine workings that were still open had to be treated with particular care. On May 11, 1843, Vasold Schurf (Amalia – on Elisabeth – tunnel) to such an extent that the entire mining area was endangered. The massive inrush of water was a result of the collapse of the Erlach weir in the Frauenholz tunnel and the Mohr and Freund weir in the Elisabeth tunnel. ​ As early as May 20, 1844, a commission made up of the most experienced miners of the Kammergut met to save the Ischler Salzberg, which was threatened with collapse. At the suggestion of the commission, the area of the collapse was measured and a wooden model of the Ischler Salzberg was made. The model showed that the waters descended from the Niederen Rosenkogel and could be intercepted by an extension from the Potie - Schurf (Neuberg - on Frauenholz - tunnel). After several unsuccessful attempts to build, the stormwater was finally managed in this way, it was caught and drained off harmlessly. The collapse rooms made accessible by the extension could be secured with numerous wooden support boxes. The extension was occupied in three-thirds shifts and Häuer also came to help from Hallstatt. The incompletely collected waste water continued to leach out the collapsed Haselgebirge, which settled and with it the support boxes, which became detached from the ceiling and no longer served their purpose. In 1845, an attempt was made to counteract the renewed threat of decline by filling in the cavern spaces with debris and quarry stones extracted from the surface. In addition, the search for the origin of the waste water hidden under the sinkhole continued with success. The approximately 60m high Keeler rubble , including the horn sites, was extremely brittle and could only be secured by lining. For the same reason, in 1848 the fifth water extension in Neuberg - the tunnel and parts of the Amalia tunnel - had to be built into the main shaft. Longer iron pipes made of cast iron pipes were laid for the first time on the Ischler Salzberg in the Keeler - rubble and in the Layer - conversion for the quick, safe drainage of the enormous amounts of stormwater. ​ Another measure to reduce the water inflow from above ground was the construction of a widespread system of gutters and water catches in the area of the Reinfalzalm, which required constant maintenance and supervision. ​ As a last measure, the water supply should be relocated to improve the leaching conditions in the weirs. The more rapid leaching of the weirs reduced the risk of factory overlaps. To do this, however, the amount of fresh water fed into the pit had to be increased significantly. In addition to the installation of iron pipes with larger cross-sections, a new water supply route from Bader - Schurf (Frauenholz - on Amalia - tunnel) via the Springer - Kehr, the Scharf - and Liska - conversion (Amalia - tunnel) to Vasold - Schurf (Amalia - on Elizabeth – tunnels) have been planned. This was intended to enable the supply of larger amounts of water to the production workers and to drain the sections that had been soaked by the weeping wooden pipes. According to the decision of the Court Chamber, the procurement of the necessary iron pipes was to be spread over the years 1842, 1843 and 1844. Those connecting structures that had become superfluous after the drainage pipe was relocated in 1842 were left open. These included the Niedere Wasserberg shaft and the water digging from the Niederen water tunnel to the Lipplesgraben tunnel, the rear Lipplesgraben and Johannes tunnel, some stretches in the Matthias and Neuberg tunnel and the Kößler conversion in the Frauenholz tunnel. ​ ​ ​ Situation of the weirs in the Empress Amalia tunnel – weirs around 1850: A total of 9 weirs, all pronounced dead around 1850. Wolfen - and Colonel Kammergraf v. Baron Sternbach - weir (cut), Kappan - weir, Sternbach - weir, Schwaiger - weir, Preßel - weir, Landsteiner - and Eberl - weir (cut), Boiger - weir. An elaborate underground pipe system was maintained until 1933 to supply water to the production workers. Only after the above-ground version of the Törlbach and the supply of this water through the Maria Theresia tunnel could the watering be significantly simplified from 1933. ​ Dynamite explosion on June 4, 1919 - Salzkammergut newspaper June 15, 2019: From Bad Ischl we will be informed under the 6th d. M. on the phone: On June 4, 1919 at around 6:30 am, explosives expert Gschwandtner, who lives in Perneck No. 9, carried out blasting in the Amalia tunnel in Perneck. Since all shots did not have the full effect, Gschwandtner grabbed dynamite. But it was frozen and so he went out of the tunnel to look for a dressing hut in the vicinity, heated the oven there and put a board on the stovetop, whereupon he wanted to warm up approx. 35 dynamite cartridges with a total weight of 2.5 kg. Gschwandtner then sat down in front of the stove and watched the cartridges. The miners Matthias Zeppezauer, resident at Untereck No. 4, and Josef Kogler, resident at Wirling No. 10, were also in the hut to change. Suddenly the 3 workers noticed a blue flame near a dynamite cartridge and heard a hiss. They wanted to flee, but the explosion had already taken place. Gschwandtner and Zeppezauer suffered a shattered eardrum and a concussion, Kogler internal abdominal injuries and also a concussion. The injuries are serious but not fatal. Josef Gschwandtner, who is a blaster and should be familiar with the handling of dynamite cartridges, is facing a misdemeanor accountable under the Explosives Act. (It is unbelievable that the saltworks administration has no facility for heating up frozen cartridges of dynamite, so that the workers are forced to heat them up at the furnace, with the consequences mentioned above brings with it. It's the second time in two months that in the Salzberg of Bad Ischl due to the negligence of the administration, fathers of families have to perish or become unable to work.) ​ Watering path until 1933: John - Stollen: Drainage scour - main shaft - Saherböck scour Matthias - studs: Drainage Schürfl - main shaft - Plenzner Schurf Neuberg - tunnels: Albrecht conversion – Ritschner conversion – Schwind Schurf Frauenholz - Stollen: Kössler conversion – Schmidt Schurf Amalia - Studs: Main shaft – Wimmer Schurf ​ In the Amalia tunnel, the highest still passable tunnel at 841 m above sea level above the Ischl mountain church, which is still used today for ventilation and the drainage of mine water, renovation work was started in 1994 and an access road to the tunnel mouth was built for this purpose. Furthermore, extensive maintenance work was carried out by external companies in 1983 in the Liska and Layer conversions as well as in the Keeler rubble. Sources used: Carl Schraml "The Upper Austrian salt works from the beginning of the 16th to the middle of the 18th century", Vienna 1932 Carl Schraml "The Upper Austrian Salt Works from 1750 to the time after the French Wars", Vienna 1934 Carl Schraml "The Upper Austrian Salt Works from 1818 to the end of the Salt Office in 1850", Vienna 1936 August Aigner "Salt mining in the Austrian Alps", Berg- und Hüttenmännisches yearbook, Vienna 1892 Leopold Schiendorfer "Perneck - A Village Through the Ages", Linz 2006 Johann Steiner "The traveling companion through Upper Austrian Switzerland", Linz 1820, reprint Gmunden 1981 Georg Chancellor "Ischl's chronicle", Ischl 1881, reprint Bad Ischl 1983 Michael Kefer "Description of the main maps of the kk Salzberg zu Ischl", 1820, transcription by Michael Nussbaumer, as of September 13, 2016

  • 20 Der Kaiser Franz Josef – Erbstollen | glueckauf

    20 The Emperor Franz Josef – Erbstollen Stud Name: "Emperor Franz Josef Erbstollen" Emperor Franz Josef I, reign 1848 – 1916 Struck: December 4, 1895 / Barbara Day – Information board at Ulm near the mouth hole Completion: 1906 Length: 2,860m Altitude: 503 m As early as 1807, it was proposed to drive under the existing Pernecker mine from the Trauntal, which is 180 m below, but this was initially omitted due to the difficulties of the long tunnel drive. A manuscript prepared by Michael Kefer on May 27, 1825 to the "Hochlobliche kk Allgemeine Hofkammer" contains a suggestion about "The last main underpass tunnel, namely from Ischl (market, Teufelsmühle, former bakery Vocktenhuber), not far from the Brunnleiten or from the Anzenauer Mühlbach .” ​ Subsequently, four possible impact points were examined more closely. From the Teufelsmühle in Ischl: length of the Erbstollen 5,289 m, going under the Leopold Stollen by 204 m From the Rettenbach valley near Ischl: length of the Erbstollen 3,507 m, going under the Leopold Adit by 151 m From Lauffen vis a vis the train station: length of the Erbstollen 3,460 m, undercutting the Leopold Stollen by 190 m From the Brunnleiten: length of the Erbstollen 3,450 m, going under the Leopold Adit by 195 m ​ Art objects salvage 1944/45 Proposals for the Salzberg Bad Ischl underpass tunnel, Bad Ischl Salt Mine Archive The projects were initially on hold and it was only in 1868 that this matter started to move again, when the task was to carry out the geological investigations of the Imperial Geological Institute ordered by the Imperial and Royal Ministry of Finance on all Alpine salt mountains and to examine the depth of the salt deposits with regard to their richness . At the Ischler Salzberg, the Dunajewski exploratory shaft was sunk from the Rosenfeldkehr in the Leopold tunnel to a depth of 94 m and another 250 m deep borehole was drilled from the bottom of the shaft. This showed that the Pernecker salt deposit reached at least another 344 m in depth. This proven depth of the salt storage was decisive for the final decision in 1890 to excavate a new underpass construction. From the four impact points for the Erbstollen, taking into account the hydroelectric power near the wild Lauffen, this tunnel was struck not far from the market town of Lauffen on the western slope of the Anzenberg with a projected length of 2,847.7 m. With a bottom rise of 2 per mil (2 m over 1000 m length), the same should meet the Distler shaft lowered by the Leopold tunnel, so that from its bottom to the horizon of the Leopold tunnel there is a mineable salt dome of 180 m thickness and 6 floors of 30 m height would result. From December 4, 1895, the Emperor Franz Josef Erbstollen was excavated from Lauffen. On September 22, 1906, after 2700 m in the Bilinsky bend, the breakthrough took place with the Distler shaft, which had meanwhile been sunk to a depth of 180 m. Two impact drills from Siemens and two from Halske with 4.5 hp were used to drive the tunnel. These drilling machines are operated by four workers, who usually drilled and shot the entire tunnel profile of 5.75 m² through 19 to 20 boreholes with a depth of about 1 to 1.1 m in an eight-hour shift. About 10.5 kg of dynamite was needed per shot. The average tunneling performance per shift was 0.9 to 1.0 m in length. The tunnel was driven in a rectangular shape, with a width of 2.5 m and a height of 2.3 m, the profile area was 5.75 m². After the end of the hewn shift, seven man haulers were used to bring the mountains to the surface in another eight-hour shift with 0.75 m³ iron tipping hoists. A power station was set up in Lauffen to supply electricity to the impact drills. A 23 hp Jounval turbine could set two dynamo machines in motion. The axis of the Erbstollen was designed in such a way that it would have met the Ausseer Salzberg below the Ferweger shaft in a straight line. The project to the Ausseer Salzberg was not realized, although the underground distance would have been only approx. 5000 m. Shortly after leaving the Pernecker salt dome at 3,672 m, there was a massive inrush of water from the limestone floe of the Raschberg, which could only be managed with great effort in 1919. Due to the low gradient of the tunnel, the large water masses could not drain off. The design of the tunnel portal by Bergrat Karl Balz Edler von Balzberg takes up the motif of ancient commemorative arches in terms of form and gesture. If you consider the fact that Emperor Franz Josef I himself opened the Erbstollen in the 50th year of his reign, the design intention of this monument becomes understandable. The portal of the mouth hole is made of true-to-size ashlar masonry made of Karbach marble and is over 10 m high. During World War II, in December 1944, two chambers were blasted out in the heritage tunnel, namely at tunnel meters 250 and 280. Larger-format salvage goods from the Führer collection were to be stored there, as there was no space in Aussee for larger pieces. Incidentally, the two chambers only housed art treasures temporarily and only during the worst crisis, as they proved to be too damp. ​ At the end of 1989, the new above-ground facilities at the Kaiser Franz Josef Erbstollen were put into operation. The Kaiser Franz Josef Erbstollen runs roughly in a W – E direction. The so-called Vorhauptlager is located at the beginning of the Erbstollen between 0 and 1030 m. This is very rich in large masses of anhydrite and gypsum, which have also been mined on an experimental basis. The salt dome of the Vorhauptlager, which geologically belongs to the "Buntsandsteinhaselgebirge", is still unleached. An anticline rupture of limestone from the Totengebirgs nappe follows the pre-main camp. Only at 2782 m in the Erbstollen can you find the deposit limit of the Pernecker main deposit. The boundary to the Hasel Mountains is formed by dark grey-brown, chert-bearing Oberalmer Limestone from the Jura. Only the workers Blaschke (until 1983) and Vogl (until 2011, dissolution up to II. civil engineering) and the borehole probe BL 1/E (until 2011) were operated in the tunnel. The BL 1/E borehole probe was converted into a lintel before it was decommissioned. In February 2011, the underground brine production in the Bad Ischl mine, which was last operated in the II. ​ Two sulfur springs were found in the Erbstollen at 2,366 m and 2,526 m. The state health resorts currently draw around 30 m³ of healing water from the sulfur spring II, which emerges in the Erbstollen at 2525 m. It is a sodium - chloride - sulphate - sulfur spring (Glauber salt spring), which is processed in a medicinal water treatment plant installed by the state spa at the Erbstollen for the spa operation. ​ Sources used: Carl Schraml "The Upper Austrian Salt Works from 1750 to the time after the French Wars", Vienna 1934 Carl Schraml "The Upper Austrian Salt Works from 1818 to the end of the Salt Office in 1850", Vienna 1936 Ischl home club "Bad Ischl home book 2004", Bad Ischl 2004 August Aigner "About the Emperor Franz Josef Erbstollen in Ischl", communications from the Natural Science Association of Styria, Vol. 41, Graz 1904 Friedrich Idam "Kaiser Franz Josef Erbstollen", manuscript Internet Leopold Schiendorfer "Perneck - A Village Through the Ages", Linz 2006 Leopold Schiendorfer, Thomas Nussbaumer "450 years of salt mining in Bad Ischl", Bad Ischl 2013 Katharina Hammer "Shine in the Dark", Altaussee 1996 ​ This location is not currently open for visits as it is an active mining area. Kunstgüter – Einlagerung ab 12. Dezember 1944

  • 18 Rabenbrunnstollen | glueckauf

    18 The Rabenbrunn tunnel Stud Name: "Rabenbrunn - Stollen" as locality name Struck: 1692 Length: 1,116 m Altitude: 800 meters Since the old Steinberg tunnel was rich in salt, especially towards the depths, the Rabenbrunn tunnel was dug in 1692 under Emperor Leopold I in order to use it. The Rabenbrunn Stollen - main shaft was initially in gravel mountains, then a long stretch in solid limestone. The initial direction of advance was to the south-east, to undercut the old Steinberg tunnel. After 320 Stabel (381.4m) of tunneling, the direction of tunneling was to go under the New Steinberg - Tunnel pivoted to the east. After the construction of the connecting line with the same, the main shaft of the Rabenbrunn tunnel was swung back to the south-east to undercut the old Steinberg tunnel. In 1725, when the Rabenbrunn tunnel had already been extended to 913 Stabel (1088.3m), the first traces of salt were found. Initially, there was the hope of going under the rich dams built in the Old Steinberg tunnel. Therefore, several search routes were excavated, but without encountering rich salt agents. The salt was found everywhere only in such short resources that hardly a single pumping station could be built. In 1737 all hopes of finding salt mountains with the Rabenbrunn tunnel were finally abandoned. A mistake uncovered by the Starhemberg Commission in 1707 was the hasty opening of the Rabenbrunn tunnel to undercut the Old Steinberg tunnel, before a test dig from the Old Steinberg tunnel made sure that the Haselgebirge really was there. How right Starhemberg was proved later. For 20 years one had then continued to build and the Rabenbrunn - tunnel lengthened a total of 936 rods (1115.7m) without leaving the limestone; only at the beginning was the Haselgebirge, but only 21 Stabel (25.0m) in length. Because of these poor prospects and other, more important tunnel drives, further tunneling of the Rabenbrunn tunnel was stopped entirely in 1739. Only the main shaft, together with the small mountain house and the mountain forge that were built there, were still maintained. When the test drives carried out in the Old Steinberg tunnel to further uncover the salt mountains in 1751 on the Eysel bend and other places did not have any favorable success, the Old Steinberg tunnel and the Rabenbrunn tunnel were soon completely abandoned. Sources used: Carl Schraml "The Upper Austrian salt works from the beginning of the 16th to the middle of the 18th century", Vienna 1932 Carl Schraml "The Upper Austrian Salt Works from 1750 to the time after the French Wars", Vienna 1934 Johann Steiner "The traveling companion through Upper Austrian Switzerland", Linz 1820, reprint Gmunden 1981 Michael Kefer "Description of the main maps of the kk Salzberg zu Ischl", 1820, transcription by Thomas Nussbaumer, as of September 13, 2016 Anton Dicklberger "Systematic history of the salt pans of Upper Austria", Volume I, Ischl 1807, transcription by Thomas Nussbaumer, as of 06.2018

  • 06 Ludovikastollen | glueckauf

    06 Der Kaiserin Ludovika- Stollen Stollenname: „Kaiserin Maria Theresia – Stollen“ bis 11. Juni 1808 „Kaiserin Maria Ludovika – Stollen“ ab 11. Juni 1808 Dritte Gattin von Kaiser Franz II., Heirat am 04.01.1808 in Wien Angeschlagen: 1747 Länge: 1.013 m Seehöhe: 764 m Der Kaiserin Maria Theresia – Stollen wurde 1747 eröffnet. Dieser wurde aber nach der von Befahrung Ihrer Allerhöchsten kk Majestäten am 11. Juni 1808 in Kaiserin Maria Ludovika –Stollen umbenannt. Der Kaiserin Maria Ludovika – Stollen wurde exakt 48 Höhenmeter unterm Kaiserin Elisabeth – Stollen angelegt. Es waren 1013 m taubes Gestein zu durchörtern bis man an das begehrte Salz gelangte. Bei einer Vortriebsleistung von etwa 30 Laufmeter pro Jahr im Dreischichtbetrieb ein langwieriges Unterfangen. Um die Bauführung der Ludovika Stollen – Hauptschachtricht zu beschleunigen wurden zwei Gegenbaue angelegt. Der Erste wurde vom Solinger Schurf aus tagwärts angegangen, wobei bereits 1752 der Durchschlag gemacht werden konnte. Der Zweite wurde vom Ablass der Monsperg – Wehr tagwärts und vom Sollinger Schurf bergwärts angelegt; 1761 trafen die beiden Vortriebe glücklich zusammen. Ein Stück oberhalb des Stollens am Wiesenrand steht das monumentale „Obere“ oder „Ludovika – Berghaus“, erbaut 1769. Es ist das älteste noch erhaltene Berghaus am Ischler Salzberg. Der Betriebsstandort für den Abbau des Pernecker Salzlagers wurde 1769 zum Ludovika – Stollen verlegt, wo er bis 1884 verbleibt. Wegen des rolligen, mit schiebenden Tonschichten durchsetzten Gebirges konnten gut 34 Stabel (41m) der Ludovika Stollen – Hauptschachtricht vom Mundloch bergwärts trotz massiver Verzimmerung nicht offengehalten werden. 1791 kam es zu massiven Verbrüchen der Hauptschachtricht in diesem Streckenabschnitt. Da das neu errichtete Berghaus nur 17 Stabel (20,3m) oberhalb der verstürzten Stollenachse lag, drohte dieses einzusinken. Als Sicherungsmaßnahme wurde die Hauptschachtricht unterhalb des Berghauses komplett verstürzt und 1792 eine 80 Stabel (95,4m) lange Umbaustrecke in Gegenbauführung errichtet. Situation der Wehren im Maria Theresia – Stollen, später Ludovika – Stollen um 1800: Länge vom Mundloch bis zur Salzgrenze 835 Stabel (995,3m), von da bis zum Feldort 477 Stabel (568,6m). 2 Kehren mit 9 brauchbaren Wehren. Die immer größer werdende Bedeutung des Ischler Salzberges brachte immer wieder hohe und höchste Persönlichkeiten in diesen Winkel des Kammergutes. Am bekanntesten waren wohl die Besuche Kaiser Franz I. mit seiner Gemahlin Ludovika und mehreren Erzherzögen mit der Befahrung des Kaiserin Ludovika Stollens in den Jahren 1808 und 1814. Der Ischler Bergmeister Anton Dicklberger verfasste Denksprüche, die auf den Granitpyramiden des Kaiserin Ludovika – Stollens verewigt wurden. ​ Erinnerung an den Kaiser – Besuch 1808 am Sockel der linken Pyramide: Franz und Loiße. Sie befuhren, Diese Berges innern Schoß, Wo die Hoheit Segensspuren, In des Salzes Fülle goß, Lang leb in Glanz und Freuden, Unser hohes Kaiserpaar, Lang blüh in späteren Zeiten, Dieser Salzberg immerdar. Erinnerung an den Kaiser – Besuch 1814 am Sockel der rechten Pyramide: Franz der Beste aller Väter, Deutschlands Stolz, Europens Retter, der des Feindes Macht gedämpft, und Friedenspsalm erkämpft, ist mit Anton und Theresen, Ferdinanden hier gewesen.“ Anno Dom. MDCCCXIV Die Aufstellung der Pyramiden vor dem Stollenmundloch wurde durch einen Erlass der k. k. Hofkammer vom 1. Juni 1818 mit einem Kostenaufwand von 322 fl. 53 kr. bewilligt. Ursprünglich befanden sich auf den beiden Pyramiden noch 2 vergoldete Kaiserkronen mit Szepter und Schwert, die auf Polster ruhten. Sie dürften vor 1900 abmontiert worden sein. Das Abbaufeld blieb im Ludovika Stollen unverändert klein, wenige 100m lang und nur 50 bis 60m breit, so dass nur eine Reihe Solegewinnungswerke angelegt werden konnte. Außerdem wechselte die Reichhaltigkeit des Salzgebirges noch stark. 1839 mussten viele Werker totgesprochen oder in Feier gestellt werden, um das Tiefergreifen des Niederganges im Amalia – Horizont zu vermeiden. Die Chotek – Kehr im Ludovika – Stollen sowie der Poniatovsky – Schurf vom Elisabeth – auf den Ludovika – Stollen mussten zur Ableitung der Raubwässer, die über die Ludovika Stollen – Hauptschachtricht austraten, gesichert werden. Zur besseren Beherrschung der Wasserzutritte wurden ab 1840 die ersten Grubenmauerungen am Ischler Salzberg im Ludovika – Stollen ausgeführt. 1843 war das eingebrochene, auf dem Wege durch das Haselgebirge halbsatt gewordene Wasser über die Schürfe schon auf die Chotek – Kehr im Ludovika – Stollen in so großer Menge vorgedrungen, dass die halbgrädige Sole in den noch verfügbaren Einschlagwerken fast nicht mehr Platz gefunden hätte. Situation der Wehren im Kaiserin Ludovika – Stollen um 1850: Insgesamt 10 Wehren, davon 8 totgesprochen und 2 brauchbar. Nagel - und Grünwald - Wehr (verschnitten), Nefzern - Wehr, Zinsendorf - Wehr, Erzherzog Karl - Wehr, Lemberg - und Sollinger - Wehr (verschnitten), Schiller – Wehr; Stuppan – Wehr und Lebenau - Wehr um 1850 noch in Betrieb. Die Fremdenbefahrung führte von ca. 1800 bis 1934 über den Ludovika – in den Josef – Stollen. Vom Stollenmundloch ging man entweder zu Fuß auf dem Gestänge oder man ließ sich in den zu kleinen Wägelchen hergerichteten Grubenhunten in den Berg hineinschieben. Zur Befahrung wurden die Grubenhunte ordentlich zusammengerichtet, einige sogar mit Laternen versehen. Als Mannschaft ging ein Leuchtmann voraus, daneben ein Ziehender, und je nach Gewichtsverhältnis ein oder zwei nachschiebende Bergleute. Seit ca. 1800 war für die Fremdenbefahrung die Erzherzog Karl - Wehr vorgesehen, die 30 Klafter (56,9m) lang, und 25 Klafter (47,4m) breit war, sowie über 60 000 Eimer (3.400m³) Sole fasste. In der Abbaukammer konnten alle Manipulationszweige der Salzgewinnung besichtigt werden. Der Befahrungsweg erfolgte über die Ludovika – Stollen Hauptschachtricht und die Chotek – Kehr in die Erzherzog Karl – Wehr, dann wieder über zurück die Chotek – Kehr zum Lemberger – Schurf, der in den Josef – Stollen hinunterführte. Über die Josef Stollen – Hauptschachtricht fuhr man wieder aus. Die Gesamtlänge des Führungsweges lag bei rund 3.500m. Am 5. März 1934 wurde der vordere Teil des Ludovika – Stollens sowie der Lemberger – Schurf vom Ludovika – in den Josef – Stollen zum letzten Mal befahren, da diese Grubenstrecken infolge Umlegung des Fremdenweges in den Maria Theresia – Stollen aufgelassen wurden. Verwendete Quellen: Carl Schraml „Das oberösterreichische Salinenwesen von 1750 bis zur Zeit nach den Franzosenkriegen“, Wien 1934 Carl Schraml „Das oberösterreichische Salinenwesen von 1818 bis zum Ende des Salzamtes 1850“, Wien 1936 Ischler Heimatverein „Bad Ischl Heimatbuch 2004“, Bad Ischl 2004 Leopold Schiendorfer „Perneck – Ein Dorf im Wandel der Zeit“, Linz 2006 Johann Steiner „Der Reisegefährte durch die Oberösterreichische Schweiz“, Linz 1820, Reprint Gmunden 1981 Georg Kanzler „Ischls Chronik“, Ischl 1881, Reprint Bad Ischl 1983 Michael Kefer „Beschreibung Hauptkarten des kk Salzberges zu Ischl“, 1820, Transkription Thomas Nussbaumer, Stand 13.09.2016 Restored tunnel portal 24.8.2019: Ludovikastollen Congratulations to the Ischler Heimatverein and many thanks to the companies involved and all supporters.

  • Bergbau | Via Salis Bad Ischl

    Salt mining details Squire's dress + squire's costume marrow cutting art strand tunneling watering ventilation foreign inspection glow leaching financial support mine lining Drill saline factory cleanup Deep drilling in Goisern 1872 - 1878 electricity generation Ischl hydraulic lime Wood needs for Mining + Saline Ischl Salt transport on the Traun Knappenkost and Knappendrunk Packing and sale of salt The mountain houses at the Maria Theresia tunnel Gypsum mining Ischl Explosive storage Ischl shafts Aus and device General information about mining How long has mining been around? Women and child labor in the Salzberg Signs of miners mass and weight mining saint

  • 21 Moosbergstollen | glueckauf

    21 The Moosberg tunnel struck: 1577 (together with Matthias tunnel) leaving: Hired 1586, abandoned 1690 Elevation: 625 meters (m) overall length 312 sticks (372 meters) worker: only sideways hope and sink works Naming: former area designation upper Mooseck , today Obereck With the first tunnels driven into the Ischler Salzberg, only short and poor salt deposits could be driven in both the Lauffner salt dome (1563 Mitterberg tunnel, 1567 Alter Steinberg tunnel) and the Perneck salt dome (1567 Lipplesgraben tunnel, originally Obernberg tunnel). Therefore, from 1577, an intensive search for further salt deposits on the Ischler Salzberg began. ​ Detailed information about the intensive search for salt at that time can be found in Anton Dicklberger's Salina History of Upper Austria from 1817. On October 31, 1577, by order of the salt official Christoph Haiden, an inspection was held at the Ischler Salzberg by salt mining officials. ​ As part of the inspection, a new tunnel dug in 1577 on the upper Moosegg in the forest of Hans Reicher to examine a salted lake was driven through. However, with a total length of 10 rods (11.9 m), this only penetrated 3 rods (3.6 m) of well-salted medium , which also carried acidic water. ​ In 1577 the new tunnel was given the name Moosberg tunnel . ​ In 1580, the Salzamtmann Christoph Haiden again inspected the Ischler Salzberg. At the same time, the further advance of the field location of the main shaft of the Moosberg tunnel was discussed, since only 11 sticks (13.1 m) of salted rock were exposed in this tunnel. ​ In 1583, at the quarterly Haeuer measurement, it was decided to lengthen the 11 bar (13.1 m) long salt medium found in the Moosberg tunnel, where the main shaft had still been worked in vain in the deaf mountains, to search for the salt store and to examine the same with a sink work in depth. In 1584, two inspections were even carried out to establish rules with regard to an appropriate exploration of the Ischler Salzberg. Although no other salt rocks could be found in the Moosberg tunnel apart from the 11 Stabel (13.1 m) long salt medium, due to all hopes pursued sideways and in depth, the inspectors decided, despite these circumstances, to continue the advantageously located tunnel operate. Because of the traces of salt found both above and inside the tunnel, the hope of finding a rich core mountain was not given up and it was decreed that the deserted field site of the main shaft should be continued towards the ridge of the mountain after twelve hours (to the south). ​ In the hopefully continued operation of the Moosberg tunnel, there was a strong inrush of water at the field location of the main shaft made of fissured rock. Since the necessary amount of brine could not be produced in the long term with the tunnels previously dug at the Ischler Salzberg and the hope of finding a new salt store in the Moosberg tunnel had to be given up, it was decided in 1584 to dig a new investigation tunnel at the Roßmoos. ​ In 1584, the inspectors also suggested lowering the sinkage from the deepest point in the Moosberg tunnel, which had been operated in vain for 8 years now, by a further 14 rods (16.8 m) towards the depths . The inspectors were of the opinion that in the area of the Moosberg tunnel there was a salt mine that had been in use for many years and is now rotten . By further lowering the sink works, one was convinced that areas of the salt mountains could be reached that could not be reached long ago. Contrary to expectations, no existing salt mountains were opened up with this newly sunk section. ​ Anton Dicklberger thinks the suspicion of an old salt mountain at Moosegg is very unlikely. No traces of older, abandoned buildings were found when the Moosberg tunnel was being excavated. Although a saltworks near Ischl is mentioned in some old documents, it seems more likely to Dicklberger that this was not operated at Moosegg but in Pfandl near Ischl. ​ On February 11 and 12, 1586, another mountain survey was carried out on the Ischler Salzberg with the involvement of several mountain experts from the salt works in Hallstatt, Aussee and Ischl. Since the salt mountains had been excavated over a whole mountain thickness by the test digging operated by the Matthias tunnel, the new mining tunnels on Moosegg and Roßmoos , which were more than uncertain in terms of success, were finally discontinued. ​ The Moosberg tunnel, operated with great hopes between 1577 and 1586, was extended to a length of probably 120 Stabel (143 m). Only 11 sticks (13.1 m) of salt agents could be found. ​ The Moosberg tunnel was probably occupied with interruptions in the following 103 years from 1586 to 1690. The main shaft of the Moosberg tunnel with a smaller profile was lengthened by a further 192 bars (228.9 m) to a total of 312 bars (371.9 m). Shortly before the attack on the Rabenbrunn tunnel, which was also driven towards the Lauffner salt dome in 1692, the Moosberg tunnel was finally abandoned in 1690 and left to decay. ​ Because of the good stability of the surrounding mountains, a large part of the main shaft of the Moosberg tunnel has been preserved to this day. ​ The Moosberg tunnel was popular with adventurous young people up until the 1970s. The remains of a raft that was built to cross the water dam and some signatures in the clayey mountains bear witness to this to this day. By the mid-1980s at the latest, the mouth of the Moosberg tunnel had completely rolled up. ​ In August 2018, Horst Feichtinger uncovered the entrance to the tunnel after extensive, manual digging, so that it was possible to drive on it. On August 14, 2018, members of the IGM (Mitterbergstollen interest group) and the landowner carried out an extensive tunnel inspection, including photographic documentation of the still accessible mine spaces. ​ The approximately 430-year-old Moosberg tunnel is the oldest, still drivable mine building in the Ischler Salzberg, which is in its original condition. The tunnel, made with hammers and iron work, is a first-class mining monument with its unique sinter formations for the Ischler Salzberg. Due to the great importance of the Moosberg tunnel, the IGM decided in September 2018 to clear the main shaft up to the sintering at tunnel meters (Stm.) 82 to 92 and thus make it accessible for interested visitors. The tunnel, which was completely hand-carved and is still passable over a length of 221 m, was driven south-east from the anchor point at 625 m above sea level, following the mountain ridge. ​ The standard profile of the tunnel is around 190 cm high, 80 cm at the top and 120 cm at the base. ​ The first 7 pieces had to be made of wood when it was recaptured. From Stm. 7 to 25 the tunnel was driven in stable layers of lime. The standard profile in the front section of the tunnel is around 1.9 m in height and 0.8 m in roof width and 1.2 m in bottom width. From Stm. 25 the limestone layers merge into the pebbly, thick-banked marl limestone of the Rossfeld layers. ​ The sandstones and conglomerates of the Rossfeld Formation were deposited in the early Cretaceous period around 120 million years ago. During deposition, massive undersea mass movements with mudslides and debris flows took place. The layered deposits with a chaotic structure made of older limestone boulders and hazel rocks, which geologists call olisthostromes , can also be found in the Moosberg tunnel. ​ At Stm. 35 there is an approx. 0.5 m thick clayey deposit. In this clayey breccia one finds bluish violet clays that indicate leached Haselgebirge. The storage was cleared up to a height of approx. 3 m in the course of the original tunnel excavation. At Stm. 39 one finds another clayey intercalation with a total thickness of 1.8 m and finally at Stm. 59 a third intercalation also containing Haselgebirge stones with a thickness of approx. 1.0 m. The thick banked marl layers in the area of the last two deposits are heavily sintered. ​ The extensions and sink works mentioned by Dicklberger were probably created in the area of these 3 deposits, since the leached Haselgebirge stones were interpreted as a sure sign of salt-bearing mountains. ​ From Stm. 65, an extensive waterlogging began behind a collapse cone. The remains of a raft built in the 1970s, which was used to cross the tunnel lake, which was up to 1 m deep in rainy times, were found in this area. Unsuccessful attempts to cross the tunnel lake on stilts have also been handed down. In the course of the demolition work, the massive collapse cone from Stm. 57 to 65 was completely cleared out and the waterlogged was drained. ​ From Stm. 65, the in-situ, stable marl layers become thinner. The strong water flow in this area has led to massive sintering. The wooden stamps built in to protect against dripping water from Stm. 82 to 92 are still clearly visible today. Most of the pit wood has decomposed over the centuries, but the impressive sinter imprints have survived to this day. A standard profile of 1.7 m line height and 0.6 m ridge and 1.0 m bottom width can be reconstructed for this section from the expansion remains. ​ From Stm. 99 there are thin layers of marl and Schrambach. The Schrambach layers were also deposited after the Rossfeld layers in the early Cretaceous period. The rust-brown weathered limestone marl is tectonically overprinted. Clearly recognizable armored areas as well as staggered layers of mylonite bear witness to massive mountain movements. Due to the disruption of the marl structure, from Stm. 99 more and more collapses occurred. From Stm. 127, the marl becomes thicker again in a much more undisturbed bed and thus also more stable. ​ At Stm. 130 there is a clear bend in the route towards the south. This change in the direction of tunneling is likely to be due to the specifications of the inspection of 1584. ​ Due to the now stronger water flow, you will find extensive sinter terraces with some water ponds on the sole. In some cases there are clearly visible trace nail residues in the sinter. At Stm. 143 there is an impressive narrowing of the driven route profile to 1.8 m route height and 0.6 m ridge and 0.8 m bottom width. Presumably, here in 1586 the drive of the main shaft of the Moosberg tunnel ended for the time being. In the 104 years that followed, until the drive was finally shut down in 1690, the smaller route profile was chosen for cost reasons for the following tunnel section. From Stm. 140 to 197 are the stable, partly chert-bearing limestones of the 150 million year old Oberalmer strata from the late Jurassic period. From Stm. 197 you can find layers of marl again in the hanging wall of the Oberalmerkalke. The thick banked marl layers that are now present are tectonically heavily overprinted. Due to the flat bedding, massive ridge collapses occurred on mylonite layers and fissure areas. From Stm. 221 the route is currently completely broken. A further advance into the main shaft of the Moosberg tunnel, which is about 150 m long, would only be possible after extensive clearing and securing work. Above ground, north-west of the mouth hole, the extensive slag heap is still clearly visible. With an average crown width of 2 m, this is almost 27 m long and approx. 6 to 7 m high at the end of the heap. Sources used: Dicklberger Anton, Systematic history of the salt pans in Upper Austria, Volume I, Ischl 1817, Transcription by Thomas Nussbaumer, Weitra 2018. Schraml Carl, The Upper Austrian salt works from the beginning of the 16th to the middle of the 18th century, Vienna 1932. Schiendorfer Leopold, Perneck - A village through the ages, Linz 2006. ​

  • 100 Jahre Bergsturz Sandling

    100 years of the Sandling landslide 100 years ago, in September 1920, a massive landslide occurred in the West Face of Sandling. The so-called "Pulverhörndl", around 200 m high, which split off from the West Face of Sandling in a landslide in 1765, collapsed in September 1920. In May 1907 the summit was first climbed. Namely by the Ischl mountain guides Mathias Röchenbauer and Alois Wazinger. A cairn visible from afar at the summit testified to your first ascent. In the years that followed, the summit was climbed more often and the summit stone man soon gathered cards from the best Upper Austrian climbers. Der Sandlingturm, aufgenommen von Franz Maier, 1915. The west side of the Sandling summit with the Pulverhörndl in front of the landslide and the old scree heaps. In anticipation of the catastrophe, the builder, Weinzierl, had the pictured house of the alpine grass garden relocated to the foot of the Raschberg to the west of the stream. The western face of Sandling Peak after the landslide. On the far left, the seating area separates parts of the old scree heap from the new giant screed. About the geology: The Sandling has always been a troubled mountain . Namely, there is a high limestone on plastic Haselgebirge. And 1920 was a very wet, rainy year. This precipitation penetrated through the fissured and waterlogged limestone and marl and softened the underlying clayey layers. In addition, in the Ausseer salt mine in 1920 there were several "heavenly collapses", which destabilized the base of the rock masses of the "Pulverhörndl" just above. Beginning in the spring of 1920, salvos of rock pelted through the West Face of Sandling. Throughout the summer, much more frequently than usual, mighty boulders broke from the weathered rock and thundered down into the valley. Sandling rock stratification, Otto Lehmann 1926 The catastrophe: The sodden layers became this rainy summer literally squeezed out by the solid limestone marls and the limestone resting on them on the west wall. Then, on September 12, 1920, the unheard of happened . 20 people were still on the Vordersandlingalm. In the morning there was increasingly heavy rockfall from the west face, which was increasing constant noise. A climber who approached the summit from Altausse at 1 p.m. thought he heard train traffic, which surprised him because the railway lines were interrupted due to the heavy rain. The view down was already blocked by billowing clouds of dust. At about 4:30 p.m., even more violent boulder falls occurred, notably from the large rock pillars and pinnacles that towered between the Pulverhörndl and the face of the mountain. This was probably the time when the tower moved away from the wall, exposing the rocks wedged behind it. Cracks and faults became visible to the right of the tower, and the forest below slowly sank to the depths. At 5:30 p.m., a dairymaid noticed with horror that the Almboden was beginning to burst. Towards evening the mountain calmed down to some extent after most of the rocks between the Pulverhörndl and the wall had fallen down. Rock masses were no longer pressing on the back of the tower. But on the front, the pressure from the fallen rocks has increased considerably. The Pulverhörndl was now a bit shifted and isolated from the mountain up. But nobody took that as an opportunity to leave the Alm, only sleeping was out of the question. Around 11:00 p.m., a terrible roar began again, and a commotion was already felt in the ground. It was new moon and therefore pitch black, dust covered the pasture, lanterns could not illuminate anything. Now the fear was great: Valuables were hastily buried at the foot of the "Diebskögel" and the decision was made to leave the pasture and the cattle quickly. And not via the usual Almweg south along the Michelhallbach, but via the Raschberg to the Hütteneckalm. No one was harmed by this prudence! The Powder Tower collapsed on the night of September 13 with deafening thunder. Approx. 200,000 m3 of rock poured towards Michelhallbach. A large part of the overlying rock of the Sandlingalm was then torn down, creating a 400 m wide and 100 m deep shell-shaped crack. Incidentally, the entire Sandling was shaken, the entire western wall was speckled with light from stones that had broken out, and the trail through the western wall was then in a desolate condition. ​ The Alm after the disaster: The four huts that were lifted and moved when the Almgrund was devastated. From the fourth by H. Joh. Reisenauer you can only see the ruins on the right in front. The "Diebskögerl" and the pressed and advanced Almgrund, which filled the meadow valley of the stream and leveled it. The objects (clothes and tools) buried at the foot of the "Diebskögerl" on September 12 were completely buried and have remained lost. The Mure: A huge debris flow moved down the valley. Only the southern part of the moraine mass, which had started to move, lost its connection and ended up as a mudflow. The upper, northern part was only loosened and sunk about 40 m deep into the trough created by the outflow of the Haselgebirge. ​ On September 14th, a forest ranger from Bad Goisern, Paul Elsenwenger, was watching the debris flow from the foot of the Raschbergwand when the surrounding forest suddenly began to sway, the ground crunched, roots broke. He was only just able to save himself on the rocky valley wall! ​ The Mure now filled the creek bed of the Michelhallbach and the large Zlambach for about 3.7 km and has dammed the spring streams that flow in on the east side to form two small lakes. 50 m / hour was the initial speed of the Murkopf and covered 2 km in the first 6 days. In the next 10 days he advanced another 1.2 km and in the next 15 days he came to a halt after a total of 3.7 km. View towards the southern part of the eastern tear-out niche. A shattered mound of lias marl covered with tree corpses. The rounded rock tower behind heralds the appearance of the Hallstatt limestone on the eastern slope. Tree corpses covered the debris flow. Reservoir at the mouth of a side stream. Just before it flows into the Zlambach, the Mure divided and an island was formed on which the handsome and spacious Leisling wooden room stood. This was dismantled in days of hard work and salvaged by hand. Witnesses of historical rockfall catastrophes can be found at the foot of the rock tower "Uh-sinnig Kira" (popular expression for "mad scream") at the Michelhallbach. Judging from archaeological excavations, there was already a rockfall accident there during Roman times (approx. in the 5th century AD) . There is historically reliable information about another catastrophe in the spring of 1546 , in which the surface facility of the small Michlhallbach salt mine was buried by a rock avalanche and claimed victims among the miners. ​ The rock flow of 1920 also revealed evidence of this salt mine, namely a weak brine spring. It had been dyed red and exposed in several places. Literature: Company newspaper of the Austrian saltworks April 1928, Bergrat Ing. Hans Reinl The devastation in the Sandlin group, Otto Lehmann, 1926 Geological Map of the Republic of Austria Sheet 96 Bad Ischl, 2012 Mass movements in the hard-to-soft system and their anthropogenic influence, Weidinger JT, Spitzbart I. 2005 Vordersandlingalm 2020 Sandling West Face February 25, 2020 from a helicopter perspective by Raich Markus:

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